Sbarci + Fflic
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Resources for Schools

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The following resources are to help Schools take part in the Sbarci and Fflic programme.

These are the Energy Team Roles

1. Recruit an Energy Team, and decide which members will be responsible for which roles.

2. Monitor electricity usage if you do not have an OWL monitor. This will need to be once a day for 2 weeks to create a baseline. Go to the next instruction if you do have an OWL monitor.

3. Monitor energy usage - send electricity (and gas if there is a gas meter) meter readings once a month for now onwards (before the 28th if possible).

4. Record OWL meter readings every day for two weeks, and once a week afterwards. Use the following worksheets.

5. Energy Detectives to carry out lunch time inspections - once a day for two weeks and once a week afterwards.

6. Complete the Action Plan.

7. Add to the Action Plan if pupils have good ideas or suggestions to save energy.

8. Energy Team representatives who will be leaving the school in the summer will need to ensure that there is someone to take on their roles the following term.

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